Welcome to Whole Health Challenge
Our society is changing. People are beginning to realize the way we eat, exercise, manage stress and even sleep has a direct effect on our health. In fact, the most recent long-term medical research tells us that a fast-food lifestyle can have serious consequences indeed. Habitually eating as little as three fast food meals a week will cause serious weight gain and double your chances for becoming insulin resistant…which is the final step before full-blown diabetes!¹
As a result of requests from our patients, Heikkinen Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center has developed a program that makes it easy to put you back in control of your health. In 2005, the Whole Health Challenge was developed incorporating an individualized exercise program, an easy to follow diet, acupuncture for weight loss or smoking cessation, and an eight-session educational program designed to help you take control of your health. And just for fun, our clients compete for prizes in five categories.
During the last year, our clients have been extremely successful in losing weight, trimming inches off their measurements, improving their blood pressure, heart rate, and even lowering blood sugar levels.
Currently, the WHC is offered four times a year. Check our schedule for enrollment.
1. The Lancet January 2005, Fast-food habits, weight gain, and insulin resistance (the CARDIA study): 15-year prospective analysis